Thursday, May 23, 2019

Knockout Workout

I have never been a fan of the treadmill, rowing machine or stationary bike but Boxing 🥊 Training is something I really enjoy doing, it’s a great “Stress Buster”

I have recently started working out in a program known as 'Funxtion Rumble' it is very fast-paced with jabs hooks, uppercuts, and swoops that engage the shoulders, back, arms, obliques, core, and abdomen.

Then the footwork is great for your legs and calves. These activities certainly help with my weight loss journey because you use your entire body and it burns an insane amount of calories.

Other exercises included in this routine is using a jump rope commonly used for skipping, this one of the classic boxing exercises, because it helps build a lean, strong body, aids in coordination, agility, and footwork, and boosts endurance like nearly no other exercise does.

Burpees are pretty much the best exercise ever, and will increase your strength and endurance like no other exercise will and punching a punching bag for 30 seconds between each set takes burpees to another level.

All in all, if I am totally honest it's all over far too quickly, but as the saying goes 'Time flys when your having fun'

There is plenty of these type of group exercise classes around,
Boxercise and BoxFit are two others that I can highly recommend.

You might not be able to box, but after a couple of months you will soon look like you could.