Wednesday, June 14, 2023

From the desk of Steve Drake – Wednesday 14th June 2023

Due to the government’s response to the covid 19 pandemic in 2020 several training dates that had been planned to coincide with the official launch of my first published book 'Blueprints 4 Success' never got off the ground. However, we are going for a relaunch in the summer of 2023. 🚀 This time I am leaning towards the e book route to cut out the extortionate delivery costs. There is a new chapter that is not in the original book and the 'Power of One seminars are right back on the agenda. Exciting times ahead 📅 

You know I don't hide behind a fake email address or any address, and I DO return phone calls (as time permits). And I answer my emails. 

I am currently in the U.K. (Manchester) but plans are in the advanced preparation stage to move out to Thailand. The wait is almost over. I have put together a totally unique package of low tech and high impact team building events incorporating education and entertainment. 

Let me give you a heads up. You have heard me say many times that our brain is the most powerful bio-computer ever created, but unfortunately, it does not come with an operator’s manual.

Let me explain what I mean.

You can't get wet from the word water! The downfall with many Team Building presentations is that people can get inspired by the achievements of others and even feed off the presenter's enthusiasm. However, this enthusiasm often wears off.

The key to having a highly motivated workforce is employees learning how to motivate themselves regardless of the situation or circumstances. If you have been taught through the usual tried old patterns of explanation, demonstration, and drill, then the most important and useful part of your ability to learn has been left out. 

My events are performance targeted and light years away from the standard ‘chalk and talk’ style still so beloved by traditional trainers, This isn't about business theory, and I am really looking forward to sharing the secrets of self motivation in 'The Power of One'. 

If you would like to get a head start on proceeding or more information on personal coaching please email: