Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Body Combat is an energetic class which is inspired by a number of different disciplines and martial arts such as karate, taekwondo, tai chi and boxing. Calorie burning is easy as you kick and punch through the workout! You will begin by learning all the moves that will be used throughout the class, warming up your body and your mind! You will then spring into a series of fight combinations, with a focus on speed, power and endurance.

A Body Combat class focuses on upper body conditioning, toning of your arms, chest and abdominals and includes some lower body exercises, as well as improving cardiovascular fitness giving you the full body workout. With the combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, it is a great way to burn calories fast and tone up. There are a number of advantages to Body Combat which include improving hearing and lung functions, reducing the risk of heart disease and it can improve your self-confidence!

Classes last for 55 minutes and you can burn up to 737 calories in that time!

For good results, twice a week will enable your muscles to recover. Make sure that you wear comfortable clothes that you can move in easily, and preferably a pair of trainers appropriate for an indoor fitness centre.

Here are 10 things to expect at your first BODYCOMBAT class.
Fun and excitement
An adrenaline pumped, action-packed class
A 4-5 class learning curve on the basic techniques and skills and choreography patterns
Some confusion in those first few classes - but just know this will pass once your knowledge base builds - like trying anything new in life!
A supportive group of participants who have been exactly where YOU are at some point! And in fact, because it is a NEW RELEASE class, they may actually be nervous about the new moves too. It's ok to laugh through it.
To sweat and pant
To feel empowered and inspired
To get a taste of what it is like to be a fighter (both in mind and spirit)
Some aching sore muscles for the couple of days following the class if this type of movement is new for you - that is a good thing because it means your muscles are toning up
To become addicted to BODYCOMBAT!

BONUS! Here are 5 essential items to have with you at your first BODYCOMBAT class:
Water/water bottle
Good supportive workout shoes
Workout clothes - comfortable, loose-fitting pants, ability to moisture wick
And a raring' to go attitude and a smile

More information on how to get started right here http://www.lesmills.com/workouts/fitness-classes/bodycombat/