Thursday, March 19, 2020

Well that didn’t age well.

Coronacrisis dominates the air time vacated by Brexit and Megsit and while I fully understand people want to be informed with the latest developments I have chosen to self isolate myself from the media, there are two many high profile people using the situation for self-promotion and the amount of greed and selfishness is just despicable, Be Kind was another message that didn't age well.

The news of the Glastonbury festival the suspension of the football leagues until at least the end of April and the uncertainty surrounding this year Edinburg Festival have all impacted my family's hopes and dreams for 2020 and as a father, it is hard to witness.

Moving forward I have decided to split my 24 hours into two chunks that I have called it my "Health & Wealth" routine.

With no sport being played right now I have made a commitment to getting some quality sleep, My gym is closed for the foreseeable future so I have dug out the running shoes and I am making sure I stay on track with my diabetic diet & medication. The better weather also means some better walks with the family dog and that little combination will talk care of the first 12 hours of the day (eight hours of that is sleeping) and when I ask myself did my actions today take me closer to my goals or further away I can give my HEALTH goal a confident tick.

The WEALTH side of the clock needs some adjustment because like many people who have had hours reduced or told to work from home my dairy is totally empty and I can only hope I can get some dates booked in for June & July. However, in the meantime, this gives me a great opportunity to work on improving my wealth of knowledge by using this downtime to get seriously stuck into two great courses that I purchased last year, the quality of the content is excellent and I am really looking forward to learning a new skill.

I have also made a start on my new book so I don't really have much time to sit and listen to the doom & gloom surrounding COVID-19.

I think in the current circumstances the two most positive things that I can do today are too wash my hands & turn the television off. My advice to you reading this is to keep yourself Busy, Focused, Positive & Safe.

There is plenty to look forward to this spring, and I believe it can still be a fantastic year if you adjust your sails accordingly ... Enjoy.