Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kick-ass Workout

SIDE KICK FROM THE GROUND (Targets, Glutes & Quads)

1) Lie down on your left side on your left elbow. Make sure your forearm is on the ground and your right elbow is bent with your open hand up towards your face. Bend your knees in front of you with your right knee in towards your chest.

2) Move your hips forward off the ground, and extend your right leg straight forward, stretching out, then bend your knee and return to the starting position.
Do two sets of kicks for 30 seconds, Do the movement slowly to start with, and remember to switch stance each time.


Being down does not necessarily mean that your out, well not in Combat. as long as you have a limb that works and breath in your lungs, you still have a Fighting Chance.